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Exploring the foods of Orlando

Welcome to Orlando Vittles, a unique blog here for you to explore. Orlando Vittles is a blog dedicated to all the good vegetarian foods you can find in the Orlando area.

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Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie is a must-have during the Thanksgiving/ Christmas holidays. This creamy spiced custard filling pie is delicious and works...

Vegan Substitutes for Baking

Now with the holidays coming there is a lot of baking going on from pies to cakes. Vegan baking sounds tricky cause how are you going to...

Vegan Mash Potatoes Recipe

This recipe for mash potatoes is so simple and so delicious and most importantly it's vegan. Just in time for the holidays, this recipe...

Weekend Eats #1

In this blog post, I want to talk to you guys about what I eat during the weekends when I go out. I think this would be a good way to...

Vegan Sushi places in Orlando

It's safe to say that sushi is one of my favorite foods. The small bite-size simple food is one of my favorite Japanese cuisines, but it...

Vegan Ice Cream in Orlando

Ice cream is one of those delicacies that was hard to give up when first going plant-based but it doesn't have to be! Vegan ice cream is...


Try this delicious plant-based lasagna with faux meat, tofu ricotta, and yummy bolognese sauce. Lasagna is one of my favorite dishes and...

Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

What's better than eating a warm baked muffin while taking in the smell of sweet pumpkin reminding us of fall. These pumpkin spice...


Ramen, ramen, ramen... one of my favorite Asian dishes consisting of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in either a meat, fish, or...

Weekend Vegan Eats

Hello! this would be my first blog post and it will be talking about my favorite topic, food! There are a bunch of vegan spots here in...

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